gift ideas Archives - Cuddle & Snuggle

Recipe For Classic Italian Biscotti

Biscotti recipe

Every year when Holidays on the way, I make sweets for my family and friends, sending my best wishes and love to the people every I spend my time or thoughts. The number one favor treats for my friends is the Classic Italian Biscotti.

Unlike the traditional, old fashioned Biscotti recipe, I crated a modified version to incorporate healthy ingredients that taste delicious and contain a unique flavor, packed into crunchy bites that go so well with a sip of creamy, coffee ...

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Listed in Lifestyle

Tags: gift ideas, great gifts

How To Make A Skinny Mocha Latte

Are you a coffee addict like me that needs at least 3 runs per day to your favorite coffee shop,  just to stay alive? Yes, I’ve been a slave to coffee addiction for as long as I can think back, and I just love my white foamed, heavenly smelling cup of coffee.

The only part about my daily routing that has changed is that I replaced the trip to Starbucks with a trip to my coffee machine in my kitchen. And ...

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Listed in Lifestyle

Tags: cappucino, coffee, gift ideas, gifts, latte, moccha